LCM for 72 and 264
What's the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 72 and 264?
(Seven hundred ninety-two)
Finding LCM for 72 and 264 using GCF's of these numbers
The first method to find LCM for numbers 72 and 264 is to find Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of these numbers. Here's the formula:
LCM = (Number1 × Number2) ÷ GCF
GCF of numbers 72 and 264 is 24, so
LCM = (72 × 264) ÷ 24
LCM = 19008 ÷ 24
LCM = 792
Finding LCM for 72 and 264 by Listing Multiples
The second method to find LCM for numbers 72 and 264 is to list out the common multiples for both nubmers and pick the first which matching:
Multiples of 72: 72, 144, 216, 288, 360, 432, 504, 576, 648, 720, 792, 864, 936
Multiples of 264: 264, 528, 792, 1056, 1320
So the LCM for 72 and 264 is 792
Finding LCM for 72 and 264 by Prime Factorization
Another method to find LCM for numbers 72 and 264 is to list all Prime Factors for both numbers and multiply the highest exponent prime factors:
All Prime Factors of 72: 2, 2, 2, 3, 3 (exponent form: 23, 32)
All Prime Factors of 264: 2, 2, 2, 3, 11 (exponent form: 23, 31, 111)
23 × 32 × 111 = 792
Related Calculations
See Also
- Greatest Common Factor - Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of two numbers

LCM Table
Number 1 | Number 2 | LCM |
57 | 264 | 5016 |
58 | 264 | 7656 |
59 | 264 | 15576 |
60 | 264 | 1320 |
61 | 264 | 16104 |
62 | 264 | 8184 |
63 | 264 | 5544 |
64 | 264 | 2112 |
65 | 264 | 17160 |
66 | 264 | 264 |
67 | 264 | 17688 |
68 | 264 | 4488 |
69 | 264 | 6072 |
70 | 264 | 9240 |
71 | 264 | 18744 |
72 | 264 | 792 |
73 | 264 | 19272 |
74 | 264 | 9768 |
75 | 264 | 6600 |
76 | 264 | 5016 |
77 | 264 | 1848 |
78 | 264 | 3432 |
79 | 264 | 20856 |
80 | 264 | 2640 |
81 | 264 | 7128 |
82 | 264 | 10824 |
83 | 264 | 21912 |
84 | 264 | 1848 |
85 | 264 | 22440 |
86 | 264 | 11352 |
About "Least Common Multiple" Calculator
Least Common Multiple (LCM) also known as the Lowest Common Multiple or Smallest Common Multiple of 2 numbers - it is the smallest positive integer that is divisible by both numbers