270/5400 Simplified
What is 270/5400 Simplified?
1/20 is the simplified fraction of 270/5400.
Simplifying Fraction 270/5400 using GCF
The first way to simplify the fraction 270/5400 is to use the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of our numerator [270] and denominator [5400].
GCF of 270 and 5400 is 270
And then divide both the numerator [270] and denominator [5400] by the GCF [270].
Simplifying Fraction 270/5400 using Prime Factors
Another method to reduce the fraction 270/5400 to its simplest form is to use the Prime Factors of numerator [270] and denominator [5400].
Prime Factors of 270: 2,3,3,3,5
Prime Factors of 5400: 2,2,2,3,3,3,5,5
Now we can write down a new fraction expressed by its Prime Factors and cancel common factors in numerator and denominator:
Simplifying Fraction 270/5400 by Dividing by the Smallest Possible Number
In order to simplify our fraction we can start dividing both the numerator [270] and denominator [5400] by the smallest possible number (2,3,4,5... and so on), and repeat this until it is impossible to divide without a reminder.
Fraction Simplification Table
Fraction | Lowest Terms |
270/5385 | 18/359 |
270/5386 | 135/2693 |
270/5387 | 270/5387 |
270/5388 | 45/898 |
270/5389 | 270/5389 |
270/5390 | 27/539 |
270/5391 | 30/599 |
270/5392 | 135/2696 |
270/5393 | 270/5393 |
270/5394 | 45/899 |
270/5395 | 54/1079 |
270/5396 | 135/2698 |
270/5397 | 90/1799 |
270/5398 | 135/2699 |
270/5399 | 270/5399 |
270/5400 | 1/20 |
270/5401 | 270/5401 |
270/5402 | 135/2701 |
270/5403 | 90/1801 |
270/5404 | 135/2702 |
270/5405 | 54/1081 |
270/5406 | 45/901 |
270/5407 | 270/5407 |
270/5408 | 135/2704 |
270/5409 | 30/601 |
270/5410 | 27/541 |
270/5411 | 270/5411 |
270/5412 | 45/902 |
270/5413 | 270/5413 |
270/5414 | 135/2707 |