285/360 Simplified
What is 285/360 Simplified?
19/24 is the simplified fraction of 285/360.
Simplifying Fraction 285/360 using GCF
The first way to simplify the fraction 285/360 is to use the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of our numerator [285] and denominator [360].
GCF of 285 and 360 is 15
And then divide both the numerator [285] and denominator [360] by the GCF [15].
Simplifying Fraction 285/360 using Prime Factors
Another method to reduce the fraction 285/360 to its simplest form is to use the Prime Factors of numerator [285] and denominator [360].
Prime Factors of 285: 3,5,19
Prime Factors of 360: 2,2,2,3,3,5
Now we can write down a new fraction expressed by its Prime Factors and cancel common factors in numerator and denominator:
Simplifying Fraction 285/360 by Dividing by the Smallest Possible Number
In order to simplify our fraction we can start dividing both the numerator [285] and denominator [360] by the smallest possible number (2,3,4,5... and so on), and repeat this until it is impossible to divide without a reminder.
Fraction Simplification Table
Fraction | Lowest Terms |
285/345 | 19/23 |
285/346 | 285/346 |
285/347 | 285/347 |
285/348 | 95/116 |
285/349 | 285/349 |
285/350 | 57/70 |
285/351 | 95/117 |
285/352 | 285/352 |
285/353 | 285/353 |
285/354 | 95/118 |
285/355 | 57/71 |
285/356 | 285/356 |
285/357 | 95/119 |
285/358 | 285/358 |
285/359 | 285/359 |
285/360 | 19/24 |
285/361 | 15/19 |
285/362 | 285/362 |
285/363 | 95/121 |
285/364 | 285/364 |
285/365 | 57/73 |
285/366 | 95/122 |
285/367 | 285/367 |
285/368 | 285/368 |
285/369 | 95/123 |
285/370 | 57/74 |
285/371 | 285/371 |
285/372 | 95/124 |
285/373 | 285/373 |
285/374 | 285/374 |