112/13 to a mixed number

How to write 112/13 as a Mixed Number?

Answer: Fraction 112/13 as a mixed number it is 8 8/13

Since we have an improper fraction (the numerator [112] is greater than the denominator [13]), we can convert it into a mixed number (a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction):


Steps to convert 112/13 to a mixed number

In order to convert our improper fraction 112/13 to a mixed number, we need to follow three basic steps:

1. Find the whole number. First we need to calculate how many times the denominator [13] goes into the numerator [112]. To do this we divide the numerator by the denominator:

112 ÷ 13 = 8.62 = 8

(Quotient of 8 and a remainder of 8)

2. Find the New Numerator. Our new numerator is equal to the remainder from previous step [8].

You may also calculate a remainder by using the whole number we calculated in the first step [8] and multiplying it by the original denominator [13]. And then subtract the result from the original numerator [112]:

112 - (8 × 13)


112 - 104 = 8

3. Get our mixed fraction. To complete our mixed fraction we need to take the new numerator from previous step [8] and put it above the original denominator [13], and then put the whole number [8] before it


That's it! We have successfully converted the improper fraction 112/13 to the mixed number 8 8/13.

See Also

Fraction to Mixed Number Converter

This calculator will help you to convert an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number. For example, it can help you find out how to write 112/13 as a Mixed Number? (The answer is: 8 8/13). Enter the fraction (numerator and denominator) (e.g. '112/13') and hit the 'Convert' button.
An improper fraction is a type of fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator. A mixed number is a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction.

Fraction to a Mixed Number Conversion Table

FractionMixed Number
8 8/13
8 9/13
115/138 11/13
116/138 12/13
118/139 1/13
119/139 2/13
9 4/13
122/139 5/13
123/139 6/13
124/139 7/13
125/139 8/13
126/139 9/13
128/139 11/13
129/139 12/13
131/1310 1/13
132/1310 2/13
133/1310 3/13
134/1310 4/13
135/1310 5/13
136/1310 6/13
137/1310 7/13
138/1310 8/13
139/1310 9/13
140/1310 10/13
141/1310 11/13


How to write 112/13 as a Mixed Number?

Fraction 112/13 as a mixed number it is 8 8/13