What day is Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2025?

How long until Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2025?

Answer: There are 29 days until

Next Martin Luther King Jr. Day will be on

(Today (December 22, 2024) is 4 weeks and 1 day before January 20, 2025)

When Martin Luther King Jr. Day Is Celebrated?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated every year on 3rd Monday in January
It Is Also
  • 0.079 Years
  • or
  • 0.935 Months
  • or
  • 4.143 Weeks
  • or
  • 29 Days
  • or
  • 696 Hours
  • or
  • 41,760 Minutes
  • or
  • 2,505,600 Seconds


December 22, 2024
4.14 Weeks
January 20, 2025
29 Days

Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2025 - Countdown

About a day: January 20, 2025

January 2025 Calendar

See Also

About "Days until Holiday" Calculator

This online date calculator will help you calculate how many days are left until any Holiday. For example, it can help you find out how long until Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2025? (The answer is: 29 days). Select a Holiday (e.g. 'Martin Luther King Jr. Day') and hit the 'Calculate' button.


How long until Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2025?

There are 29 days until Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2025

When Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated every year on 3rd Monday in January